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Try SeaMoss Plain or with Pureed fruit

So what's the big deal about Sea Moss! In these times we need vital nutrition that is not provided through cooked food. Its one of the most ancient and powerful suppliers of nutrients with remarkable benefits to heal the body.

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This is the perfect chance to make giving more meaningful by choosing four sacred products that your family or friend will always keep around when they need it.

One touch away!

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"Most Recommended balms"

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Powerful Herbal Teas


Our Herbal Teas come in a variety to suit your body's weakness & highten your strength. Add enrichment to your lifestyle, remove toxins, add plant-based compounds, give your body's environment alkalinity for longevity. You wont be sorry!

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Have you detoxed for this first quarter? Make a note to self that cleansing is first made up in the mind. Why cleanse? overtime your body will give you "alerts" through pain, sluggishness, constipation etc. that it needs a reset....This is a healthy one to begin with.

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Not sure what types of herbal tea you need, grab from our list

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Empress Galaxzi Apothecary

Empress Galaxzi was birthed just in time (God's timing) to help people detatch from standard practices of healing. We help to cut costs from doctor visits, there are no co pays and we promise we wont bill you later. Our products are centered around common ailments- giving you immediate care.

  • I couldn't be any happier!

    They literally have products for everrything! The elderberry smells and tastes great like a warming elderberry cider. I love the custom herbal teas as well.

  • This is who you need to go to.

    Empress Galaxzi is who you need to contact if youre having any problems with anything going on in your body from the skin,blood, stds, vaginal problems and all. She even has herbs for the men and its all made natural. CHECK HER OUT. I PROMISE YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!

  • I've been ordering products from Empress Galaxzi since September 2020. The Elderberry is my go to for my family. We never got sick during the pandemic. The pain & inflammation balm will remove the stiffness from your joints. I love the products.Very nice family.

  • It was hard taking products at first. Sea Moss, herbal teas and weight loss serum but it got easier. I went from 287lbs. to 246 in January. I am stronger emotionally, mentally and physically, Thanks to Empress Galaxzi.

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